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Stone Restoration: DIY vs Hire a Professional?


Natural stone is a great addition to your home. Marble, granite, limestone, travertine, you name it. Each has its own characteristics and appeal. However, natural stones are highly susceptible to getting damaged, discolour, or stain over a period.

If you have natural stone surfaces in your home, be it flooring or benchtop, living room, kitchen or the bathroom, regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure that it looks as good as new.

However, you can only do so much and sometimes all you can do is call natural stone restoration experts and let them do what they do best-Stone Restoration.

Stone restoration typically involves cleaning of your natural stone and you can do it yourself; however, I would advise against it as the experience which professionals cleaners bring cannot be matched.

You can find lots of stone cleaning products today and this would lead you to believe that stone restoration is easy and doesn’t required experts.

Let me draw a comparison and show you which one is better. DIY stone restoration or hiring experts?

Natural stones are quite soft and a regular cleaner may damage it. This is because natural stones are porous in nature and harmful chemicals can seep in and damage the stone, sometimes visible as etch marks or stains.

For highly soft stones such as porcelain, using an abrasive thing to clean it is going to damage it.

For the most part, you can easily find stone cleaning solutions at a local store or online. However, you must know how to clean specific stones and prevent them from being damaged.

Moreover, as simple as it may seem, stone restoration isn’t all that easy. You are going to be working a few hours and ensure that it is done the right way.

Therefore, if you planning to DIY, be prepared to spend a lot of time researching the kinds of stone you are working with and the appropriate cleaning techniques and products.

Finally, you should think about the abrasion that can be caused by a cleaner. Online stores will give you comprehensive information, which can make choosing cleaners easy.

So, as you can see, stone restoration is possible without hiring experts, but there is a lot of research you need to do, spend time going back and forth buying cleaning supplies and finally ensuring a job is well done.

This is what experts are there for. For the most part, you can easily find stone restoration services near you.

All you need is a good internet connection and a device to surf. Locate and shortlist a few restoration services near you.

Read user reviews, visit the company website and if possible, their office too. Alternatively, you can ask friends, family and neighbours for suggestions.

Once you settle on good service with quality assurance, all you have to do is sit back and watch your natural stone gain its original shine.

So, with much less energy, hassle and quality assurance, I recommend you hire an expert than trying to restore your stone surfaces.

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