Both Solar and Wind energy are essential renewable sources of energy. These are producing a lot of opportunities and environmentally friendly. These are providing electrical to urban side along with most of the rural area of the world. Suppose you want to how to run home power from a renewable source of energy.
Many homeowners like to use renewable energy sources for their home electricity instead of energy from the fossil fuse. Therefore, here we are making a comparison between the two most effective sources of renewable energy.
Both renewable sources of energy not only beneficial for the environment but offer significant cost efficiency. There are some differences in power-producing factors. Most of the peoples are wondering about the price of solar panels to compare to wind turbines. The solar panel is cheapest than the price of a wind turbine, according to power production.
Solar Energy:
Solar energy is produced from the sun radiations that reach the surface of the earth. Through the photon of sunlight that strikes on the terminal of a photovoltaic cell in the solar panel, these cells can convert solar radiation into electricity. Solar energy is naturally produced from everywhere instead of where sunlight is not properly induced. The solar panel can work at least in part of day time unless your house in the part of the world, which is the darkest part of the world.
Solar energy can mostly be produced where sunlight available around the whole year. Solar panels are without moving components, flexible, affordable, with a warranty of 25 years. It has not required repairing. It doesn't create noise pollutions, and it can also be installed on an urgent basis with some cable requirements. It is effective for those who produce more energy in their homes and can supply it to utility companies.
Wind Energy:
Wind is generally part of solar energy. When radiations from the sun hit the earth's surface that exchanges the cold into hot air, hot airs move arises, and cold air replaces and settles. It is a natural phenomenon of atmospheric pressure that creates the wind through kinetic energy. It is the greatest source of renewable energy.
Wind energy can be where mostly availability of wind in across the years as like solar energy. This type of renewable energy source is eco-friendly does not create any pollutions while producing power. It is one of the clean and safest methods of power generation method. Wind energy produces through the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Which is the Best?
According to the comparison of power generation, wind energy is more efficient than solar. Wind turbines release a low amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. Then, the solar panel takes less energy and produces more energy.
These are harmful to the wildlife. Wind turbines are mostly installed in open areas. One turbine of wind energy can generate power equal to 48704 solar panels. Wind turbines take large space. For house use in a rural area or urban area, solar panels are the best choice. These can be installed on the roof of buildings.