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Common Programming Terms You Should Know


Programming is an interesting subject for many students; however, many dread it for the sheer complexity it brings.

If you are a programming student looking for help with homework, make sure to visit and hire expert programmers to write your assignments. Here are a few common programming terms you should know about.


A variable is a symbol that can represent a number, letters, or other data type. When you write code, you create variables to store information. You can use variables to keep track of the numbers 5 and 3 or the letter "a" and the letter "e." When you declare a variable, you tell the computer what type of data it can hold. For example, you could declare a variable to hold the number 5: var myNumber = 5 You could also declare a variable to hold the string "Hello": var myString = "Hello" Once you've declared a variable, you can use it in your code to store information. To use myNumber in your code, for example, you would write: myNumber = 5


Conditionals are a basic programming construct that allow you to make decisions about how to handle code execution depending on certain conditions being met. The most common conditional in programming is the if statement. This statement checks a condition and, depending on that condition's outcome, executes different code blocks. You can also use else statements to provide alternative code paths if the if statement's condition isn't met. For more complex conditional logic, you can use switch statements. This type of statement allows you to flexibly select code blocks based on a set of conditions being met or not met.


A loop is a chunk of code that runs over and over again. You can imagine it as a set of instructions that keep executing until some condition is met. For example, say you have a list of numbers and you want to create an equation that sums them all up.

To do this, you could write something like this: for (initialization; condition; increment) { // statements } This code will run through the loop three times, each time calculating the sum of the number in the current column and adding it to the total in the previous column. The condition at the beginning of the loop determines when to stop running the code.

Common Programmer Terms

There are a lot of programming terms that you might not be familiar with, so here are 10 of the most common ones to get you started.

  • Algorithm: A set of instructions or steps used to solve a problem.

  • Assembly Language: A low-level programming language that is used to create programs for microcontrollers and other embedded systems.

  • Binary Code: The type of code used in digital devices, such as computers and mobile phones, that is made up of tiny values that can only be represented in two states (on or off).

  • Bit: A unit of information in computers that can store a single letter or number (0–9).

  • Conditionals: Statements that determine whether a certain statement is true or false.

  • Data Type: The kind of information that can be stored in a variable. Common data types include numbers, strings, and booleans (true or false).

  • Debugger: A software tool used to help programmers track down and fix problems with their code.

  • Disassembler: A software tool used to break down computer code into its individual instructions so that it can be understood again by the programmer.

  • Flag: A bit associated with a condition, which allows you to control whether or not the condition is checked during execution of the program.

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